FORZIERI is the world's leading destination for Luxury Accessories - Bags, Shoes & Jewelry, from the best of the best designer labels. They are official partners with over 200 industry leading luxury brands including, Valentino, Alexander Wang, Fendi & many more.
Forzieri ships worldwide. It also offers free shipping to over 25 countries if minimum purchase conditions are met. More information can be found on its website.
Forzieri encourages their customers to share their experience with them. Within their website, they boast a number of very positive reviews from their shoppers.
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Please fill up the form below and we will raise a
transaction inquiry with the store for you
Thank you for reporting your missing cashback. We will raise the transaction inquiry with the affected store as a matter of urgency.
Please note that we are only able to provide a status update as and when the stores update us. Most stores only provide updates for successfully tracked transactions.
Your cashback will automatically be reflected in your MilkADeal account if and when your transaction is captured successfully.
We’ve been building something new for you and it’s coming soon! Register your interest below to get early access in the next few weeks!
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Note: Once confirmed, username cannot be changed. Username must be one word with no space. Please use letters only (a-z or A-Z or 1-9).